Third Street and Highland Avenue Sewer Improvements Begin, Nov. 13

The City of Coos Bay will be constructing improvements to the sanitary collection system along Third Street between Highland and Market avenues. The improvements are required as the existing infrastructure is badly in need of replacement. The City has contracted with Knife River Materials for the construction of this project. It is anticipated that they will break ground as early as November 13, 2023 with a construction schedule lasting through the middle of December, weather permitting. Please pardon the dust while these improvements are taking place. Small delays may occur along Market Avenue at Third Street. Working hours will be from 7 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday through Friday. Should you have any questions or want more information, please contact Jennifer Wirsing at (541) 269-1181, ext. 3521 or email:

The post Third Street and Highland Avenue Sewer Improvements Begin, Nov. 13 appeared first on Community Plus.


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