NBPD Annual Report, Jan. 24

The North Bend Police Dept. released its annual report for the year 2023 and while it shows Assault (-30.3%, 66 to 46) and Burglaries (-39.8%) were down (118 to 71), Rape (500.0%) was up from the previous year (1-6), and Sex Abuse (7-7) remained the same as the previous year. Also up were Harassment 4.2% (118 to 123); Robbery (2 to 5); DUIII (11 to 23); Warrant Arrests (224 to 280); and Traffic Stops (883 to 2,225). Down from the previous year were: Assaults (66 to 46); Criminal Trespass (1,210 to 1,023); Disorderly Conduct (397 to 364); Theft (357 to 297); UEMV (122 to 108); Overdoses (27 to 22); Traffic Crashes (309 to 290). Calls for Service, 2022 – 15,060; 2023 – 18,035.

The post NBPD Annual Report, Jan. 24 appeared first on Community Plus.


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