Kids Can Cook with OSU Food Hero at NBPL, June 27

WHAT: Kids of all ages can learn how to make a pumpkin fruit dip and fresh veggie pizza with OSU’s Food Hero and The North Bend Public Library during our “Food Hero: Kid’s Can Cook!” program. All materials and snacks will be provided. However, there is only space for 30 participants. To secure your child’s spot, please go to to register. WHEN: This program is on Thursday, June 27 at 2:00 PM. WHERE: In the Meeting Room of the North Bend Public Library. WHO: The program is appropriate for children of all ages and their families. WHY: This event is a part of the Summer Reading Program at the North Bend Public Library. CONTACT: For more information, visit or call (541) 756-0400.

The post Kids Can Cook with OSU Food Hero at NBPL, June 27 appeared first on Community Plus.


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