Employment on the South Coast: August 2023, Sept. 22

Oregon Employment Dept. release – South Coast Payroll Employment Up by 750 Jobs Over the Year Coos County total payroll employment rose by 70 jobs in August. Industries with estimated jobs gains over the month were professional and business services (+40), leisure and hospitality (+20), and transportation, warehousing, and utilities (+20). Wood products manufacturing employment fell by 10 jobs in August. Government had a net job loss totaling 20 over the month, with the job decline in the local government portion. Coos County payroll employment rose by 560 jobs over the past year. Gains were estimated in leisure and hospitality (+250), professional and business services (+170), construction (+80), and other services (+50). Industries with estimated job losses over the year included retail trade (-70), mining and logging (-40), and manufacturing (-40). Government employment climbed by 30 jobs with gains in Indian tribal (+50). Job losses occurred in local government excluding education and tribal (-20), and local government education employment slipped by 20 jobs over the year. Curry County payroll employment gained 50 jobs in August. Construction, financial activities, and leisure and hospitality each added 10 jobs over the month. Government employment rose by 30 jobs with a gain of 20 in local government education and 10 jobs added in local government excluding educational services. Over the past year, Curry County payroll employment added 190 jobs. Industries with estimated jobs gains included leisure and hospitality (+100), financial activities (+30), and health care (+20). On the other hand, a few industries showed slight job losses since August 2022 including construction (-20), manufacturing (-20), retail trade (-20), and professional and business services (-10). Government employment increased by 120 jobs, with local government excluding educational services up by 100 jobs, accounting for most of the gain.

South Coast Unemployment Rate
Oregon Employment Dept. release – Coos Co.: Aug. 2023 – Unemployed: 1,229, Rate: 4.7% (SA 4.3%). July 2023 – Unemployed: 1,227; Unemployed: 4.7% (SA 4.4%); Aug. 2022 – Unemployed: 1,618, Rate: 4.7% (SA 5.6%). Curry Co.: Aug. 2023 – Unemployed: 412; Rate: 4.4% (SA 4.3%); July 2023 – Unemployed: 400; Rate: 4.3% (SA 4.4%); August 2022 – Unemployed: 554; Rate: 5.8% (SA 5.8%).

The post Employment on the South Coast: August 2023, Sept. 22 appeared first on Community Plus.


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