Employment on South Coast: March 2024, April 25

State Employment Dept. release – Coos County Adds Jobs While Curry County Loses Jobs Over the Year Coos County total payroll employment rose by 130 jobs in March. Job gains were small but dispersed among several industries. Those adding jobs included leisure and hospitality; transportation, warehousing, and utilities; and retail trade, each adding 20 jobs over the month. Manufacturing employment declined by 20 jobs in March. Government employment increased by 50 jobs in March with jobs added in local (+30), state (+10), and federal government (+10). Coos County payroll employment rose by 220 jobs over the past year. Gains were estimated in professional and business services (+50), private education and health services (+40), leisure and hospitality (+40), and wholesale trade (+40). Industries with job losses since March 2023 included manufacturing (-70); retail trade (-70); and transportation, warehousing, and utilities (-60). Curry County payroll employment was unchanged in March. Leisure and hospitality added 30 jobs, the only published sector with a notable employment gain. Slight decreases in other sectors left the total nonfarm payroll count at 6,520. Over the past year, Curry County lost 190 payroll employment jobs. Industries with estimated job gains included private education and health services (+30) and wood product manufacturing (+30). Industries showing slight job losses since March 2023 included retail trade (-120), construction (-60), and leisure and hospitality (-40).

Unemployment rates Coos & Curry Counties
Oregon Employment Dept. report, Coos Co. – Unemployed: March – 1,400; Feb. – 1,526; March – ’23, 1,350. Unemployment rate: March – 5.1% (seasonally adjusted 4.8%); Feb. – 5.5% (SA 4.8%); March – ’23, 5.0% (SA 5.6%). Curry Co. – Unemployed: March – 524; Feb. 574; March – ’23, 434. Unemployment rate: March – 5.8% (SA 5.1%); Feb. – 6.3% (SA 4.9%); March ’23, 4.8% (SA 5.6%).

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